all postcodes in OX9 / CHINNOR

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX9 3AA 4 0 51.75156 -0.983121
OX9 3AB 2 0 51.751729 -0.981285
OX9 3AD 2 0 51.748212 -0.976917
OX9 3AE 14 1 51.749435 -0.981735
OX9 3AF 10 0 51.749551 -0.980602
OX9 3AH 11 0 51.750004 -0.983069
OX9 3AJ 14 5 51.750222 -0.982297
OX9 3AL 19 2 51.749326 -0.97955
OX9 3AN 6 0 51.749599 -0.979906
OX9 3AP 6 0 51.748962 -0.969766
OX9 3AQ 7 0 51.746795 -0.962544
OX9 3AR 11 0 51.751448 -0.977474
OX9 3AS 1 1 51.752098 -0.979893
OX9 3AT 1 1 51.754811 -0.978572
OX9 3AU 15 3 51.752692 -0.979264
OX9 3AW 17 0 51.751119 -0.977858
OX9 3AY 20 0 51.754292 -0.977729
OX9 3AZ 39 0 51.753353 -0.97733
OX9 3BA 10 0 51.750533 -0.976698
OX9 3BB 8 0 51.75108 -0.976555